Australian Weather News

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Friday 15 December 2000

Today's significant weather stories not yet written

Today's highest rainfall totals for the 24 hours to 9am

97.6 Retreat Station Barcoo River Qld
87.4 Tambo PO Qld
84.0 Mt Isa PO Qld
76.4 Dajarra PO Qld

Other heavy falls in central Qld:
76.0 Lochinvar Augathella
74.0 Longreach AP
69.6 Boulia PO
68.4 Blackall PO
66.4 Canobie Cloncurry River
65.8 Barcaldine PO
63.8 Listowell Downs Blackall
63.2 Fort Constantine Station Cloncurry
61.0 Devoncourt Station Cloncurry

High falls for other periods:


Today's highest & lowest temps

Wind (mean refers to the average windspeed over 10 minutes; gust is the highest speed recorded):


Other extremes


Records set this day


Maximum Minimum
40.4 Marree PO SA 28.0 McCluer Is NT
28.0 Dum In Mirrie NT
28.0 Galiwinku Elcho Is NT
28.0 Narawili Elcho Is NT
28.0 Cape Fourcroy NT
13.6 Mt Read Tas -1.0 Lake St Clair Tas

Greatest variations from normal

Maximum Minimum
35.6 Munglinup WA
21.0 Perth AP WA
27.4 Windorah PO Qld
4.0 Flinders Is AP Tas

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