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Thursday 28 December 2000

Temperature extremes continue across the nation
Downpour in Coffs Harbour NSW
Exceptional extremes in temperature continued today, with both minimum and maximum temperatures 10 to 15° above and below normal reported . It was an unusually cold start to the day in southeastern Australia as the cold air that has been sweeping Tasmania over the past few days made its presence felt. Canberra recorded its coldest summer morning since 1987 when the thermometer dropped to 3°, while Omeo, across the border in Victoria, recorded -1.2, 9.5 below normal, and Scamander on Tasmania's east coast recorded 3.8, its lowest December minimum in a 17 year record. Meanwhile, towns in southwestern WA had a hot night with temperatures not dropping below the mid-20s, around 11 or 12 above average. Today, cloud again kept much of Central Queensland 10 to 15 below, while Western Australia's heatwave moved east somewhat, giving Albany Airport a top temperature of 40.9, only 2° shy of its December record, and towns in the Great Southern tops of around 40°.

Local heavy rain in Coffs Harbour on the NSW Mid North Coast dropped 90.6mm on the city's airport between 7.30pm and midnight this evening as the tail end of a trough and southeasterly change moved through. 39.6mm fell in 30 minutes between 11.30pm and midnight.

Today's highest rainfall totals for the 24 hours to 9am

222.0 Donors Hill Station Julia Creek Qld
154.4 Burketown PO Qld
146.0 Malpas Station Julia Creek Qld
141.4 Nardoo Station Burketown Qld

Other heavy falls in north Queensland:
125.2 Kamilaroi Station Cloncurry
86.3 Canobie
82.6 Hughenden PO
75.6 Westmoreland Station Burketown
75.0 Strathtay Station Hughenden

High falls for other periods:

Western Australia:
Curtin AP Derby:
10.8mm in 10m to 6.46pm
Northern Territory:
Narawili Elcho Island:
45mm in 3h to 3am
47mm in 6h to 3am
Normanton: 85mm in 9h to 6am
Julia Creek: 40mm in 3h to 9am
Yeppoon: 40.8mm in 3h10m to 6.30am
Clermont: 62mm in 15h to 6am
Barcaldine: 73mm in 24h to 3pm
Lady Elliot Is: 30mm in 3h to noon
New South Wales:
Coffs Harbour AP:
90.6mm in 4h30m to midnight, 56.6 falling in the hour to midnight

Today's highest & lowest temps

Wind (mean refers to the average windspeed over 10 minutes; gust is the highest speed recorded):

Maatsuyker Island Tas: mean wind of 109km/h at 10pm
Mt Wellington summit Tas: gusts to 117km/h at 10.30pm

Other extremes

Flood peaks:
Georgina at Marion Downs Qld:
6.21m today with major flooding

Records set this day

Lowest minimum temperature for December (previous record and years of computerised record shown in brackets):
Scamander Tas: 3.8 (4.3, 17)

Maximum Minimum
44.7 Roebourne PO WA 30.7 Wittenoom WA
3.0 Mt Baw Baw Vic -4.2 Mt Hotham Vic
-3.0 Crackenback NSW
-2.9 Charlotte Pass NSW
-2.9 Happy Valley Vic

Greatest variations from normal

Maximum Minimum
40.9 Albany AP WA
39.8 Mt Barker WA
39.8 Ongerup WA
24.7 Wandering WA
26.4 Beverley WA
24.9 Narrogin PO WA
23.6 Richmond PO Qld
24.5 Winton PO Qld
24.8 Julia Creek PO Qld
4.5 Eyre WA
-1.2 Omeo Vic

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