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Weather Site Home Pages

Australian Organisations
Australian Individuals
Overseas Organisations
Overseas sites with many weather links

Overseas Sites with Useful Links
  1. Worldwide National Meteorological Organisations, members of the World Meteorological Organisation (25/09/00)
  2. Rosie Weather: Steve Rosie's New Zealand weather links (01/08/03)
  3. Brian's Weather Links for a New Zealand viewpoint (07/06/00)
  4. Roger Brugge's homepage for a European viewpoint (20/2/00)
  5. WeatherNet for a USA viewpoint (20/2/00)
  6. Hong Kong Weather Underground for an Asian viewpoint (20/2/00)
  7. Yahoo's Australian Meteorology listing (20/2/00)
  8. Fluid dynamics links with many Australian and international meteorological and oceanographic links compiled by R. Manasseh of the CSIRO's Division of Building, Construction and Engineering. (20/2/00)