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Thursday 13 January 2000

Today's weather extremes

Heavy rain in northern WA, NE NSW07May00
Heatwave conditions continue in SA, spread to Vic and Tas
Bushfire in western Tas

Highest rainfall, 24 hours to 9am

150.0 The Channon NSW
127.0 Mourilyan Harbour Innisfail Qld
114.5 Clunes NSW
111.0 Horn Island Qld
111.0 South Johnstone Qld
An active monsoon trough lying through the Western Australian Kimberley region brought thunderstorms and heavy rain to the West Kimberley today. Cygnet Bay, 170km NE of Broome, recorded 109.6mm for the 12 hours to 9 this morning, while Waterbank, just north of Broome, recorded 79mm between 6pm and midnight, 51mm falling in the hour to 9pm.

Rain, spiced with thunderstorms, continued to produce moderate rainfall totals in the far northeastern corner of NSW. Lismore recorded 91mm in 30 hours to 3pm, with the Wilsons River rising by late today. The Channon, 17km NNW of Lismore, recorded 150mm for the 24 hours to 9am, while Goonengerry, 25km NE of Lismore recorded 120mm for the 24 hours to midnight this evening, bringing its two-day total to 191mm. Repentance, about 20km NE of Lismore recorded 114mm for the 24 hours to midnignt for a 48 hour total also of 191mm. The system bringing the rain is a deepening trough off the coast supported by colder upper air. With isobars tightening on the trough's western side, coastal areas of SE Qld and NE NSW experienced steady gale force winds this morning, with Cape Moreton reporting 10-minute average winds above gale force (62km/h) until midday, and a highest 10-minute average reading of 91km/h at 8.57am.

Heatwave conditions continued in southeastern SA today and spread to western Victoria and western Tasmania. Both overnight and daytime temperatures were up to 12 above normal (see left). In Tasmania, a bushfire, apparently deliberately lit last night, destroyed 5 houses in the old mining towns of Gormanston and Linda, east of Queenstown.

Highest & Lowest Temps

Maximum Minimum
41.2 Mardie WA 29.0 McCluer Is NT
17.0 Crackenback NSW -1.3 Charlotte Pass NSW

Greatest variations from normal

Maximum Minimum
34.5 Cape Northumberland SA
34.1 Cashmore AP Portland Vic
25.7 Cape Borda SA
26.1 Kyancutta SA
23.3 Mt Barker SA
21.0 Balladonia WA
10.2 Oakey AP Qld
Other extreme readings
Horn Island Qld
81.4mm between 2am and 5.30am
South Johnstone Qld
73mm in 12hrs to 9am
Goonengerry NSW
32mm in 1hr to 3.03pm
Records set this day
Lowest daily maximum temperature for January:
Double Island Point LH Qld: 21.1. Previous record 22.2 in 40 years record.
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  • Times stated are the clock time in force in the relevant state or territory

  • Stories, including those in the archives, are as new and corrected information becomes available, with updates underlined

  • Australian Weather News gratefully acknowledges the Bureau of Meteorology as the collector and main source of meteorological data in Australia, along with the thousands of observers who record the weather and rainfall daily. I also thank Don White and the many contributors to the Aussie Weather mailing list who routinely provide much appreciated information.