Australian Weather News

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Saturday 22 January 2000

Today's weather extremes

Further storms in SE Qld

Highest rainfall, 24 hours to 9am

155.8 Timber Creek NT
147.6 Police Station Timber Creek NT
121.0 Lake Grace WA
114.0 Koorikin Kondinin WA

Other high WA falls:
112.4 Lake Carmody Hyden
108.8 Araluen Armadale
106.4 Colorado Pingelly
105.2 Mordetta Lake Grace
104.4 Lake Grace PO
104.0 Mt Lawley Perth BoM
103.8 Corrigin PO
103.0 Bilbarin Corrigin
100.0 Gosnells City
98.0 Pingaring PO
97.2 Narembeen PO
97.0 Karlgarin
95.0 Ardath
93.6 Kondinin PO
93.0 The Granites Bruce Rock
92.0 Lake Grace Catch Lake Grace
91.8 Hyden Composite

Hail large enough to strip leaves from trees was reported with storms in the Goomboorian to Gympie area of SE Qld today.

Highest & Lowest Temps

Maximum Minimum
41.4 Gayndah Qld 28.1 Centre Island NT
3.0 Mt Baw Baw Vic -0.6 Mt Wellington Tas

Greatest variations from normal

Maximum Minimum
41.4 Gayndah Qld
40.6 Rockhampton AP Qld
39.6 Amberley AP Qld
22.4 Jurien WA
19.4 Leonora PO WA
16.4 Hyden WA
17.5 Bencubbin WA
4.0 Woolbrook NSW
Other extreme readings
Records set this day
All time highest daily rainfall:
Narembeen WA:
97.2mm. Previous record 82.4 in April 1974 in 55 years
Colorado WA: 106.4mm. Previous record 103.0 in Jan 1958 in 56 years
Lake Carmody WA: 112.4mm. Previous record 82.3 in Feb 1970 in 61 years

Highest daily rainfall for January:
Perth Airport WA:
65.0mm. Previous record 51.6 in 1990 in 49 years
Roleystone WA: 79.6mm. Previous record 56.6 in 1982 in 30 years

  • Times stated are the clock time in force in the relevant state or territory

  • Stories, including those in the archives, are as new and corrected information becomes available, with updates underlined

  • Australian Weather News gratefully acknowledges the Bureau of Meteorology as the collector and main source of meteorological data in Australia, along with the thousands of observers who record the weather and rainfall daily. I also thank Don White and the many contributors to the Aussie Weather mailing list who routinely provide much appreciated information.