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Sunday 19 March 2000

Today's weather extremes

Heavy rain from storms in NSW

Highest rainfall, 24 hours to 9am

93.0 Milgun Meekatharra WA
59.0 Bamaga Qld
58.9 Winton PO Qld
54.5 Errabiddy Gascoyne Jn WA

Other heavy falls in WA:
42.0 Mt Padbury Three Rivers
42.0 Eucla AP
35.0 Mt Clere Meekatharra

Storms developed over much of central and southern NSW late this morning and during the afternoon. The main feature was isolated and well scattered heavy falls of 25 to 50mm. During the late morning, a line of storms and heavy showers extended from the central Riverina well out to sea east of Wollongong/Moruya, with radar showing storms cells developing rapidly as they moved offshore from the west. During the afternoon, storms that developed in the area north of Goulburn moved east. Heavy falls were reported in the Sydney and Wollongong metropolitan areas (see box) as the storms moved eastwards late in the afternoon.

Highest & Lowest Temps

Maximum Minimum
39.6 Marree PO SA 27.0 Learmonth AP WA
12.4 Mt Read Tas 2.8 Liawenee Tas

Greatest variations from normal

Maximum Minimum
Missing observations +10.9
19.4 Tumbarumba NSW
19.9 Leonora WA
18.8 Cashmere Downs WA
18.0 kalgoorlie- Boulder AP WA
7.0 Salmon Gums WA
Other extreme readings
Southern WA:
Eucla AP: 28mm in 3h to 3am
Cashmere Downs: 24mm in 6h to 3pm
NT & Qld around the Gulf:
Cape Wessel: 30mm in 1h to 9am
Borroloola: 59mm in 2h to 2pm
Groote Eylandt: 26mm in 1h to noon
Mudgee AP: 26.4mm in 2h24m to 9pm
Albion Park AP: 38.8mm in 1h to 4pm
Huntley Colliery: 29mm in 1h to 4.20pm
Finley: 19mm in 3h to 9pm
Sydney area:
Canterbury: 15.6mm in 40m to 6.30pm
Homebush Bay: 32.8mm in 40m to 6.30pm
Guilford: 31mm in 1h to 6.35pm
Lidcombe: 44mm in 1h to 6.38pm
Potts Hill: 34mm in 1h to 6.42pm
Cronulla: 27mm in 1h to 5.45pm
Mt Buller: 15mm in 3h to 6pm
Gabo Is: 17mm in 3h to 9pm
Mallacoota: 16mm in 3h to 9pm
Records set this day

  • Times stated are the clock time in force in the relevant state or territory

  • Stories, including those in the archives, are as new and corrected information becomes available, with updates underlined

  • Australian Weather News gratefully acknowledges the Bureau of Meteorology as the collector and main source of meteorological data in Australia, along with the thousands of observers who record the weather and rainfall daily. I also thank Don White and the many contributors to the Aussie Weather mailing list who routinely provide much appreciated information.