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Wednesday 5 April 2000

Useful rain falls across southern Victoria
Heavy rain, strong winds in eastern NSW
A rainband that swept across Victoria and into eastern NSW today brought useful rain to Victoria's parched southern areas. Falls of 20 to 50mm were common as the area of low pressure that brought wind and rain to SA yesterday moved east up the Murray Valley during the morning. Warrnambool, on the state's west coast, recorded 31mm in 3 hours to 3am for a 24-hour total of 50mm, while Hunters Hill, in the ranges about 30km west of Corryong, recorded 42mm in 3 hours to 9am, 14.4mm falling in a 10-minute downpour around 6.30am.  

The 41 months from October 1996 to February 2000 have been very dry in an area extending from the southern Eyre Peninsula in South Australia to Sale in eastern Victoria, and also into the north-east of Tasmania. In some of these regions the rainfall has been lowest on record for the period. The maps at right show (top) rainfall for the 24 hours to 9am today, (centre) rainfall for the 24 hours to 9am Thursday, and (bottom) rainfall deciles (compared to average) over the 3 years ended March 2000. Click the maps to open full sized versions in separate windows. The rainfall deciles map shows that rainfall over much of southern Victoria for the past three years is in the lowest 10% ("very much below average") of recordings, with the Otway Ranges and a large area of West Gippsland the lowest in around 100 years of record. By comparison, a vast area of Western Australia is experiencing the wettest 3-year period since records began.

Brief heavy rain and some thunderstorms occurred in eastern NSW as the low and its associated trough moved through. Canberra had an unusually heavy fall of 20mm in one hour to 6am, and other heavy short-duration recordings are given in the extremes box below. Strong southerly winds developed up the NSW south and central coasts as the low moved into the Tasman Sea and intensified during the late afternoon and evening.

Today's highest rainfall totals for the 24 hours to 9am

87.5 Babinda PO Qld
57.2 Cairns City Qld
57.0 Ayrston Golspie NSW
55.4 Wyoming Bigga NSW

Other heavy falls in SA, NSW and Vic:
50.0 Warrnambool AP NDB Vic
47.0 Cape Northumberland SA
43.2 Warrnambool AP Vic
43.0 Hunters Hill Vic
42.1 Oakleigh Vic
42.0 Moorabbin AP Vic
40.2 Koorawatha NSW

Today's highest & lowest temps

Other extremes

Dum In Mirrie NT: 34mm in 2h to 8am
Cape Don NT:
26mm in 1h to noon
Burketown Qld:
36mm in 3h to 6pm
Cessnock AP NSW: 19.2mm in 1h to 6am
Williamtown AP NSW:
25.6mm in 2h30m to 8am
Moruya Heads NSW:
27mm in 3h to 3pm
Canberra AP ACT:
19.6mm in 40m to 6am
Khancoban NSW:
25mm in 2h to 8am
Shepparton Vic:
28mm in 3h to 9am
Hunters Hill Vic:
42mm in 3h to 9am with 14.4mm in 10m to 6.30am
Mallacoota Vic:
25mm in 3h to noon
Moorabbin AP Vic:
25mm in 3h to 6am
Warrnambool AP Vic:
31mm in 3h to 3am

Wind gusts:
Cape Willoughby SA:
91km/h at midnight this morning
Sustained (10 min) wind:
Cannae Pt (Sydney Harbour) NSW:
67km/h at 7pm
Montague Is NSW:
69km/h at 6.05pm

Records set this day

Maximum Minimum
36.1 Curtin AP Derby WA 28.5 Centre Is NT
4.6 Mt Wellington Tas 0.0 Liawenee Tas

Greatest variations from normal

Maximum Minimum
33.0 Oakey AP Qld
24.3 Bollon Qld
18.0 Giles MO WA
9.0 Leonora PO WA

  • Times stated are the clock time in force in the relevant state or territory

  • Stories, including those in the archives, are as new and corrected information becomes available, with updates underlined

  • Australian Weather News gratefully acknowledges the Bureau of Meteorology as the collector and main source of meteorological data in Australia, along with the thousands of observers who record the weather and rainfall daily. I also thank Don White and the many contributors to the Aussie Weather mailing list who routinely provide much appreciated information.