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Saturday 8 April 2000

Heavy rain on Qld north coast from ex-TC Vaughan
Monsoonal storms continue across NT Top End
The southeasterly surge that moved north along the Queensland coast yesterday, finally squeezed rain from the abundant moisture field left in the Cairns area of Far North Queensland as it arrived in the area overnight. Rainfalls of up to 200mm in less than 6 hours brought flooding to the coast and ranges between Cairns and Townsville, cutting roads including the main Bruce Highway. Both the North Johnstone and South Johnstone Rivers above Innisfail rose rapidly to major flood levels after 182.4mm was recorded at South Johnstone between midnight and 5am, while the Tully River and adjacent coastal streams rose to moderate flood levels. Rain in the area eased after dawn, moderating the Johnstone River flood peak at Innisfail to minor to moderate levels, though the peak was extended for several hours by a high tide.  The continuing heavy rain in the Cairns area has caused an unusual problem. Residents were warned to be on the lookout for crocodiles after a 2m beast was found in the city's drainage system on Sunday night. High tides and high water flows are bringing the creatures farther inland in their quest for food.

Low level convergence into a weak monsoonal trough near the NT North Coast lead to some heavy but isolated late-season storms today. See extremes box below for details.

Today's highest rainfall totals for the 24 hours to 9am

256.0 Topaz Malanda Qld
248.0 South Johnstone Qld
234.0 Tully Qld
197.0 Wrotham Park Qld

Other heavy Qld falls:
169.4 Highbury Station Coen
160.2 Cairns City
156.0 Mt Sophia Gordonvale
146.6 Innisfail
140.0 Abergowrie Bridge
140.0 Einasleigh Township
109.0 Cairns AP

Today's highest & lowest temps

Other extremes

Darwin AP NT: 51mm in 6h to 6pm
Channel Point NT: 78mm in 12h to 9am
Cape Wessel NT: 24mm in 1h to 11am
Cairns AP Qld: 34mm in 35m to 5.51am
Innisfail Qld: 137mm in 12h to 9am
South Johnstone Qld: 182.4mm in 5h to 5am, 135 falling 3h to 3am, 50.8 falling in 37m to 2.27am

Flood peaks:
Johnstone at Innisfail Qld: 5.52m at 8am with moderate flooding
Tully at Euramo Qld: above 8.2m overnight Saturday/Sunday with moderate flooding

Records set this day


Maximum Minimum
36.2 Pardoo WA 27.5 Centre Is NT
11.0 Crackenback NSW -4.2 Charlotte Pass NSW

Greatest variations from normal

Maximum Minimum
27.9 Naracoorte SA
25.6 Colac Vic
16.0 Strathbogie Vic
20.0 Warburton AF WA
3.6 Heywood Vic

  • Times stated are the clock time in force in the relevant state or territory

  • Stories, including those in the archives, are as new and corrected information becomes available, with updates underlined

  • Australian Weather News gratefully acknowledges the Bureau of Meteorology as the collector and main source of meteorological data in Australia, along with the thousands of observers who record the weather and rainfall daily. I also thank Don White and the many contributors to the Aussie Weather mailing list who routinely provide much appreciated information.