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Friday 14 April 2000

Good rain across southeastern SA, northern Vic
Rainfall for the 24 hours to 9am
A front crossing the southern states overnight and today produced general rainfalls of 20 to 50mm across much of Victoria north of the Divide, though the dry southern districts missed most of the action. There were some heavy falls and thunderstorms embedded in the cloudband -- Albury Airport registered 62mm during the afternoon, with 29mm falling in just one hour to 6pm. Walpeup, 100km south of Mildura, recorded it's heaviest April 1-day total in over 60 years when 45mm was measured in the gauge at 9 this morning. There were good falls in Victoria's dry Western District. Stawell recorded 23mm between 3 and 6am, while Lookout Hill, north of Beaufort, recorded 52mm between 3 and 9am.

The soaking falls across central and northeastern Victoria are timely for crop planting after good summer falls, while falls of up to 100mm in the Victorian Alps will produce much-needed runoff into irrigation storage dams. Currently, Eildon Reservoir is at a record low 15% capacity, Hume Reservoir is at 24% and Dartmouth just over half full.

Rain and storms lingered in northeastern SA and western NSW as the cold front trailed back across the area. Hawker reported 46mm overnight, while Broken Hill received 26mm in a downpour just before 9am.

Today's highest rainfall totals for the 24 hours to 9am

102.4 Mt Buffalo Chalet Vic
97.0 Kuri Bay WA
84.0 West Roebuck WA
68.4 Whitlands Vic

Other heavy Vic falls:
67.4 Benalla
60.0 Lookout Hill
45.4 Edi Upper
45.0 Walpeup Research
45.0 Mt Hotham

Heavy SA falls:
53.2 Caltowie
53.0 Wilpena Pound
46.2 Hawker

Today's highest & lowest temps

Other extremes

Kuri Bay WA: 97mm in 15h to 6am
Southeast Waterbank Broome WA: 49mm in 3h to 9am
Oodnadatta SA: 24mm in 6h to 3am
Hawker SA: 46mm in 15h to 6am
Broken Hill AP NSW: 34mm in 3h to 9am, 26mm falling between 8 and 9am
Albury AP NSW: 62mm in 6h to 6pm, 29mm falling between 5 and 6pm.
Stawell AP Vic: 23mm in 3h to 6am
Yarrawonga Vic: 30mm in 6h to 3pm
Mt Hotham Vic: 72mm in 30h to 3pm
Kilmore Gap Vic: 30mm in 6h to noon
Lookout Hill Vic: 52mm in 6h to 9am
Ararat Vic: 23mm in 3h to 6am
Ballarat AP Vic: 44mm in 9h to noon

Records set this day
Highest April daily rainfall:

Walpeup Research Stn Vic: 45.0mm. Previous record 44.2mm in 62
years record

Maximum Minimum
37.5 Wave Hill NT 28.1 King Bay WA
8.0 Crackenback NSW 0.8 Perisher Valley NSW

Greatest variations from normal

Maximum Minimum
28.8 Norah Head LH NSW
24.0 Alice Springs AP NT
31.0 Mandora WA
7.5 Cunderdin WA

  • Times stated are the clock time in force in the relevant state or territory

  • Stories, including those in the archives, are as new and corrected information becomes available, with updates underlined

  • Australian Weather News gratefully acknowledges the Bureau of Meteorology as the collector and main source of meteorological data in Australia, along with the thousands of observers who record the weather and rainfall daily. I also thank Don White and the many contributors to the Aussie Weather mailing list who routinely provide much appreciated information.