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Wednesday 26 April 2000

Heavy rain, gales on Qld North Tropical Coast
Another cold day in N Qld, and a cold morning in SA
The strong pressure gradient between a 1032hPa high over southeastern Australia and a 1007hPa low which developed east of Cape York late this morning continued to produce strong to galeforce winds off sections of the Queensland coast, and heavy rain around and north of Cairns. Low Isles lighthouse, off the coast 16km northeast of Port Douglas, recorded 202mm in continuous rain during the day, with average winds just below gale force. The store at Cape Tribulation, however, registered 210.8mm in the 24 hours to 9 this morning, then a further 341.8mm to 9am Thursday, for a 48 hour total of 552.6mm (see story for 27 April). There were falls in excess of 200mm in the mountains SSW of Cairns for the 24 hours to 9am, and heavy rain or showers have drenched the area since last Sunday. The Tully, Barron and Mulgrave Rivers are in flood. Food drops have been made to homes in the Mulgrave Valley near Gordonvale, where 12 campers were airlifted to safety after being stranded by rising floodwaters that have isolated the valley for 2 days.

Daytime maximum temperatures were 10 to 13° below normal across central and northern inland Queensland today. Persistent cloud cover has resulted in some large areas of northern WA, central and southern NT or inland Qld recording daytime temperatures 10 to 15 below average over each of the past 10 days, an unusually long-lasting anomaly.

It was a record cold morning in the Adelaide area this morning, as clear skies and high pressure caused temperatures away from the coast to plummet. Parafield Airport and the RAAF Base at Edinburgh both recorded record low April minimum temperatures; details are below. In an interesting contrast, Kingscote, on a small peninsula on Kangaroo Island, recorded a minimum of 16°, while Kingscote Airfield at Cygnet River, 11km away and 5km inland, recorded a minimum of 2.2.

Today's highest rainfall totals for the 24 hours to 9am

220.0 Mt Sophia Gordonvale Qld
211.0 Topaz Malanda Qld
210.8 Cape Tribulation Store Qld
122.5 Daintree Village Qld

Other heavy north Qld falls:
117.0 Tully
109.0 Babinda PO
107.0 Te Kowai Exp Station Mackay
105.0 Low Isles

Today's highest & lowest temps

Other extremes

Low Isles Qld: 202mm in 24h to 9pm

Wind gusts:
Low Isles Qld: 81km/h at 11.45am

Flood peaks:
Paroo at Willara Crossing Qld: 1.82m around 7.30am

Records set this day

Minimum temperatures:
Parafield AP SA: 3.2 is lowest April minimum in 40 years of record
Edinburgh AP SA: 3.0 is lowest April minimum in 28 years of record

Maximum Minimum
34.0 Mardie WA 25.2 Troughton Is WA
11.0 Crackenback NSW -6.5 Charlotte Pass NSW

Greatest variations from normal

Maximum Minimum
29.6 Munglinup WA
14.6 Texas Qld
20.0 Julia Creek PO Qld
18.6 Hughenden PO Qld
19.0 Longreach AP Qld
3.2 Parafield AP SA
3.0 Edinburgh AP SA
0.0 East Sale AP Vic

  • Times stated are the clock time in force in the relevant state or territory

  • Stories, including those in the archives, are as new and corrected information becomes available, with updates underlined

  • Australian Weather News gratefully acknowledges the Bureau of Meteorology as the collector and main source of meteorological data in Australia, along with the thousands of observers who record the weather and rainfall daily. I also thank Don White and the many contributors to the Aussie Weather mailing list who routinely provide much appreciated information.