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Tuesday 02 May 2000

Record warm night in NSW, Qld
Low causes rain, wind and beach problems on southern Qld coast
Minimum temperature departures from normal this morning
A warm, moist airmass drifting down from the Coral Sea helped keep overnight temperatures 8 to 13 above the May average over a large area of northern NSW and southern Queensland this morning. Records for high minima fell in Queensland, and several record high maximum temperatures were also recorded during the day -- see the box below for details.

A low pressure system off the Queensland central coast north of Rockhampton has tightened pressure gradients, bringing gale force winds and heavy showers to the area. Heron Island reported wind gusts to 81km/h overnight, and some of the heavier falls are listed below. On the Sunshine Coast north of Brisbane, and the Gold Coast to the south, gale force southeasterly winds have been blowing out to sea for several days, whipping up a 3m swell that has scoured Noosa Beach to bedrock. 80,000 cubic metres of sand is to be pumped onto the beach to replace the prime tourist strip. On the Gold Coast, four people were rescued at the mouth of the Logan River this morning when their houseboat sank. Sea conditions were reported to be dangerous across Currumbin Bar and at the Southport Seaway.

Today's highest rainfall totals for the 24 hours to 9am

110.6 Maleny Qld
104.8 Tuan Creek Forestry Maryborough Qld
100.0 Mt Mee Qld
97.8 Baroon Pocket Dam

Other heavy falls in SE Qld:
88.0 Glengaven
81.0 Six Mile Creek Cooran
66.0 Nyama
62.2 Builyan
61.0 Makowata Miriam Vale
61.0 Nambour DPI

Today's highest & lowest temps

Other extremes

Baroon Pocket Qld: 94mm in 18h to 9am
Nambour DPI Qld: 36mm in 6h to 3am
Miles PO Qld: 50mm in 15h to 6am
Cunnamulla Qld: 29mm in 9h to 9pm

Records set this day

Highest May maximum temperature:
Ingham Qld: 31.7. Previous record 31.5 in 30 years
Peak Hill NSW: 28.2. Previous record 27.9 in 34 years
Cowra Res Stn NSW: 26.6. Previous record 26.5 (set yesterday!) in 35 years

Highest May minimum temperature:
Miles PO Qld: 21.1. Previous record 18.9

Maximum Minimum
33.0 Jabiru AP NT
33.0 Kowanyama AP Qld
26.0 McCluer Is NT
8.5 Mt Read Tas -0.1 Coldstream Vic

Greatest variations from normal

Maximum Minimum
14.0 Crackenback NSW
21.1 Miles Qld
17.6 Texas Qld
21.0 Gayndah Qld
17.1 Birdsville Qld
2.0 Ceduna AP SA

  • Times stated are the clock time in force in the relevant state or territory

  • Stories, including those in the archives, are as new and corrected information becomes available, with updates underlined

  • Australian Weather News gratefully acknowledges the Bureau of Meteorology as the collector and main source of meteorological data in Australia, along with the thousands of observers who record the weather and rainfall daily. I also thank Don White and the many contributors to the Aussie Weather mailing list who routinely provide much appreciated information. Thanks to Blair Trewin for record high minimum temperature figures.