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Friday 02 June 2000

Cold night in Queensland and NT
Cold outbreak nearly breaks unusual record
Well below normal temperatures occurred across most of northern Australia this morning.
The cold dry southern airmass over northern Australia produced near record June minimum temperatures this morning as thermometers plunged to 6 to 10 below average in a wide band across the continent. Darwin residents reached for their doonas as the night cooled to 13.8°, the coldest ever recorded this early in winter, and the coldest night since 1995. Townsville Airport's minimum of 5° was just 0.6° shy of its June record, while yesterday's and today's minima of 4.0 and 4.5 at Bowen Airport are possibly the town's all-time coldest temperatures -- the lowest temperature previously recorded at the old post office site was 5.5 in 24 years of computerised records. Sub-zero temperatures were reported from several weather stations close to the Tropic of Capricorn, including -1.1 at Three Rivers, 170km north of Meekatharra in WA, -1.0 at Ali Curang, 300km north of Alice Springs NT, and -1.8 at Dotswood, 50km SW of Townsville Qld.

The late May cold outbreak came close to breaking an unusual record today. Each day, the maximum temperature is measured at over 600 stations across the nation, including many in the tropical north. It is a rare event when not a single station records a maximum of 30 or above, yet that happened on each of the 6 days from 30 May to 4 June, a run unprecedented in a record check back to 1967 undertaken by Bureau climatologist Blair Trewin. Today's highest temperature, 28.2 recorded at Horn Island, Queensland, is the second lowest national high temperature in the record books since the tropical observing network became reasonably comparable in 1967. Only 20 June 1995 produced a lower figure, when the national highest maximum was 28.0 recorded at Weipa and Palmerville on Cape York Peninsula.   

Today's highest rainfall totals for the 24 hours to 9am

27.4 Orbost Vic
25.4 Bonang Vic
24.8 Cann River Vic
23.0 Genoa Vic

Today's highest & lowest temps

Other extremes

Orbost Vic: 25mm in 9h to 3am

Wind gusts:
Norah Head NSW: 94km/h at 12.30pm
South Channel Is, Port Phillip Vic: 100km/h at 4.30am

Records set this day


Maximum Minimum
28.2 Horn Is Qld 24.0 Coconut Is Qld
-4.0 Crackenback NSW -6.1 Liawenee Tas

Greatest variations from normal

Maximum Minimum
26.0 Geraldton AP WA

24.5 Morawa WA
10.0 Nonning SA
21.5 Elliott NT
0.2 Collinsville Qld