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Friday 14 July 2000

Wintry weather in southern WA
Cold, wintry showers with the occasional thunderstorm spread across southern WA today, bringing gales to coastal areas and around 20 to 35mm of rain for the 24 hours to 9am Saturday to the far southwest.

Today's highest rainfall totals for the 24 hours to 9am

11.0 Cann River Vic
9.4 Point Hicks LH Vic
9.0 Dwellingup WA
9.0 Wokalup Ag Res Stn Harvey WA

Today's highest & lowest temps

Other extremes

Norfolk Is AP: 18mm in 3h to 3am
Cape Jaffa SA: 15mm in 3h to midnight tonight

Records set this day


Maximum Minimum
33.0 Kalumburu WA 23.1 Troughton Is WA
-2.2 Mt Hotham Vic -13.0 Charlotte Pass NSW

Greatest variations from normal

Maximum Minimum
26.5 Kulgera NT
21.4 Kalumburu WA
10.1 Murray Bridge SA
9.0 Cooktown AF Qld