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Friday 25 August 2000

Useful rain in Tasmania's southeast
Cold in tropical Queensland
Heat continues in the north
Rainfall for the week ended 9am Saturday 26 August (above), and rainfall deciles for the year ended July 2000 (below). Click to enlarge.
Some of the heaviest rain in years fell in Tasmania's drought-stricken southeast today as the low pressure system that brought torrential rain to Bass Straight Islands yesterday moved down the state's east coast. Virtually the whole eastern and southeastern coasts recorded between 50 and 100mm over the 72 hours to 9am Saturday. Twilight Valley, between Copping and Nugent, recorded 85.8mm for the 48 hours to 9 this morning, while the summit of Mt Wellington registered 103mm in the 24 hours to 9am Saturday in the moist easterly winds, most of it falling today.

The area has suffered record or near record rainfall deficiencies over the past 3 years, and, although winter rainfall has been average, rain for the past year has been 20 to 40% below average, or in the bottom 10% of annual rainfall.

Mt Isa Queensland had its coldest August morning on record, when the mercury dropped to -1 at the airport. The reading followed a minimum of zero yesterday morning. Georgetown, to the east, recorded a minimum of 2°. Both are between 11 and 12 below average for August. Meanwhile, Bidyadanga, near Broome in Western Australia recorded its hottest August day on record with a maximum of 38.0. 

Today's highest rainfall totals for the 24 hours to 9am

103.0 Mt Wellington Tas
101.0 Norfolk Is AP
73.0 Rosemount Flat Tas
67.8 Twilight Valley Nugent Tas

Other high falls in Tasmania:
62.0 Lewis Hill
60.1 St Marys
60.0 Pioneer
58.4 Cullenswood
48.8 Gray
45.2 Beauty Road South Esk River
43.0 Lake Leake
42.4 Tooms Lake
42.4 Levendale
42.2 Birralee Creek

High falls for other periods:
Western Australia:
18mm in 3h to 9pm
South Australia:
Wilpena Pound:
87.6mm in 72h to 9am
24mm in 6h to 3pm
Mt Wellington: 84.4mm in 10.5h to 7.30pm

Today's highest & lowest temps

Other extremes


Records set this day

Lowest minimum temperature for August (previous record and years of computerised record shown in brackets):
Mt Isa AP Qld: -1.0 (-0.4, 35)

Highest maximum temperature for August (previous record and years of computerised record shown in brackets):
Bidyadanga Broome WA: 38.0 (37.5, 42)

Maximum Minimum
38.0 Bidyadanga Broome WA 25.0 McCluer Is NT
-2.0 Crackenback NSW -9.0 Charlotte Pass NSW

Greatest variations from normal

Maximum Minimum
38.0 Bidyadanga Broome WA
10.0 Swansea Tas
9.0 Glen Innes PO NSW
-1.0 Mt Isa AP Qld
2.0 Georgetown Qld
1.0 Longreach AP Qld