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Monday 04 September 2000

Snowfalls continue in Tasmania
Still windy in the southeast
Snow continued to fall across central, western and northeastern highland parts of Tasmania overnight. At Ben Lomond ski resort in the northeast, 8cm fell during the weekend adding to an already substantial base to give the marginal snow area one of its best seasons.

A secondary low pressure system that developed under Western Australia yesterday deepened to 975hPa as it sped under Tasmania today throwing another cold front at Victoria and the island state. Storm force wind gusts were experienced during the afternoon and evening at many coastal and mountain weather stations in the two states, with Mt Buller's new and somewhat erratic automatic weather station registering a plausible 130km/h late evening, and Mt Gellibrand in the Otways recording average winds near 90km/h around noon.

Today's highest rainfall totals for the 24 hours to 9am

17.4 Deal Is Tas
16.4 Lake Margaret Tas
15.8 Geeveston Tas

High falls for other periods:


Today's highest & lowest temps

Other extremes

Thredbo Crackenback NSW: gust of 104km/h at 4.11pm
Mt Buller Vic: gust of 130km/h at 10.19pm
Rhyll Vic: gust of 87km/h at 2.01pm
Aireys Inlet Vic: gust of 87km/h at 2.04pm
Mt Gellibrand Vic: 10-min average wind of 89km/h at noon and 12.29pm
Mt Wellington summit Tas: 100km/h at 2pm

Records set this day

Lowest minimum temperature for September: (previous record and years of computerised record shown in brackets):
Lady Elliot Island Qld: 12.0 (12.5, 44)

Maximum Minimum
40.0 Fitzroy Crossing AP WA 24.1 Troughton Is WA
0.0 Crackenback NSW -8.0 Perisher Valley NSW

Greatest variations from normal

Maximum Minimum
31.4 Kulgera NT
17.0 Warburton AF WA
5.0 Thredbo Village NSW
10.6 Tumbarumba NSW
6.0 Mt Isa AP Qld