Australian Weather News

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Saturday 09 September 2000

Today's significant weather stories not yet written

Today's highest rainfall totals for the 24 hours to 9am

62.0 Perisher Valley NSW
58.0 Cabramurra NSW
41.0 Hunters Hill Vic
38.0 Burrinjuck Dam NSW

High falls for other periods:


Today's highest & lowest temps

Other extremes


Records set this day


Maximum Minimum
40.0 Kalumburu WA 24.9 Troughton Is WA
-1.0 Crackenback NSW -2.0 Crackenback NSW

Greatest variations from normal

Maximum Minimum
33.0 St Lawrence Qld
13.0 Camden AP NSW
12.0 Hume Reservoir NSW
0.0 Oakey AP Qld