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Sunday 24 September 2000

High temperatures continue in southern Australia
Maximum temperature variation from normal today BoM

Temperatures up to 15° above September norms continued in a belt across South Australia, NSW and southern Queensland today. Central parts of South Australia as well as far western NSW caught the warmest weather, with minimum temperatures 10° above and daytime maxima 12 to 15 up on average. Whyalla, at the top of Spencers Gulf in South Australia, recorded a top of 36.2, 1.8 below its September record, while Andamooka, 250km north of Port Augusta, experienced its hottest September day in 27 years of record. A weak high pressure system has drifted slowly east over the past 4 days, bringing clear skies and gentle but very warm northerlies first to southern WA and now to South Australia.

Today's highest rainfall totals for the 24 hours to 9am

27.8 Kachana Wyndham WA
16.0 Meelup WA
13.6 Pyengana Tas
13.4 Gowrie Park Tas

High falls for other periods:


Today's highest & lowest temps

Other extremes


Records set this day

Highest maximum temperature for September (previous record and years of computerised record shown in brackets):
Andamooka SA: 37.4 (37.2, 27)

Maximum Minimum
39.2 Marble Bar WA 26.0 McCluer Is NT
1.5 Mt Wellington Tas -4.5 Liawenee Tas

Greatest variations from normal

Maximum Minimum
36.2 Whyalla Town SA
36.2 Whyalla AP SA
37.0 Woomera AP SA
21.3 Oodnadatta AP SA
19.0 Broken Hill Town NSW
19.6 Streaky Bay SA
18.5 Balgair WA
15.0 Lockhart River Qld