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Tuesday 17 October 2000

Overnight temperature records tumble in Vic, Tas
Tasmania's wintry outbreak of the past few days collapsed rapidly yesterday, with high pressure, light winds and clear skies covering the island and Victoria by yesterday afternoon. As a result, temperatures dropped to record or near record October levels in parts of Tasmania, and some isolated pockets in Victoria (see panel below). Widespread frosts were reported, damaging grape, hops and vegetable crops in southern Tasmania. West of Melbourne, Laverton Airport broke its October minimum temperature record for the second time in 6 days, unusual given the 57 years of recording at the site. Melbourne City's minimum of 4.8 is the lowest so late in the year since 1984, while Hobart City's 1.8 is its lowest October temperature since 1983, and the lowest this late in spring since 1944.

Today's highest rainfall totals for the 24 hours to 9am

86.4 Cape Tribulation Store Qld
54.2 Channel Pt NT
44.0 Warburton AF WA
40.0 Southport Qld
40.0 Bunda Qld

High falls for other periods:

Western Australia:
27mm in 6h to 6am
Giles MO: 29mm in 3h to 6am

Northern Territory:
Port Keats:
39mm in 2h to 8am
Channel Point: 53mm in 6h to 9am (most falling in about 15m before 9am)

Gold Coast Seaway:
15.2mm in 10m to 12.36am

New South Wales:
Bellambi Point:
32.0mm in 3h to 4am

Today's highest & lowest temps

Records set this day

Lowest minimum temperature for October (previous record and years of computerised record shown in brackets):
Orbost Vic: 0.7 (1.1, 40)
Laverton RAAF Vic: -1.0 (0.1, 57)
Marrawah Tas: 1.5 (2.0, 28)
Bushy Park Tas: -3.0 (-2.9, 38)
Strathgordon Tas: -1.3 (-1.2, 30)

Maximum Minimum
38.5 Flying Fox NT 27.4 Wyndham PO WA
4.5 Mt Read Tas -4.8 Lake Leake Tas

Greatest variations from normal

Maximum Minimum
22.9 Cape Northumberland SA
16.6 Nonning SA
20.8 Curtin Springs NT
17.3 Balgair WA
-1.0 Laverton RAAF AP Vic
-3.0 Bushy Park Tas
10.0 Mt Isa AP Qld