Australian Weather News

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Saturday 21 October 2000

Today's significant weather stories not yet written

Today's highest rainfall totals for the 24 hours to 9am

97.8 Mittiebah NT
85.0 Camooweal PO Qld
75.2 Brunette Downs NT
68.0 Milingimbi AWS NT

Other heavy falls in eastern NT and western Qld:
67.6 Morstone Station Mt Isa
66.0 Anthony Lagoon
59.0 Urandangie
50.0 Mallapunyah McArthur

High falls for other periods:


Today's highest & lowest temps

Wind (mean refers to the average windspeed over 10 minutes; gust is the highest speed recorded):

Other extremes


Records set this day

Highest daily rainfall for October (previous record and years of computerised record shown in brackets):
Milingimbi NT: 68.0 (46.6, 60)
Brunette Downs NT: 75.2 (52.2, 100)
Camooweal Town Qld: 85.0 (65.3, 106)
Urandangie Qld: 59.0 (41.9, 108)

Maximum Minimum
37.0 Pannawonica WA 26.0 Coconut Is Qld
11.4 Mt Hotham Vic -3.6 Charlotte Pass NSW

Greatest variations from normal

Maximum Minimum
33.0 Eucla AP WA
17.0 Mt Wellington Tas
22.0 Tarraleah Tas
25.0 Tambo Qld
18.5 Injune Qld
18.2 Urandangie Qld
17.0 Jervois NT
21.0 Brunette Downs NT
9.5 Brunette Downs NT