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   Societies, forums and publications
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   Bureau of Meteorology

Societies, forums and publications


  • Australian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society. A society for any Australian with a genuine interest in meteorology, oceanography, or related sciences, professional or non-professional. AMOS regional centres in all capital cities hold regular meetings and organise weather-related activities. (15/06/06)
  • The Australian Severe Weather Association. This is the association to join if you want to meet people from all over Australia with an interest in severe weather. (15/06/06)

Forums and mailing lists

  • The WeatherZone Forum. Australia's most active web-based discussion forum hosted by The Weather Company. Separate forums for general weather, severe weather, technical discussion, marine and agricultural weather, as well as a searchable archive and FAQ section. (15/06/06)
  • Stormplanet's Tasmanian Weather Forums. Discussion of Tasmanian weather, wilderness, photography and bushwalking. (15/06/06)
  • Western Australian weather forum. Discussion, photos and videos of Western Australian weather. (05/09/09)
  • Austral/Pacific Weather mailing list/Yahoo group. This is the current version of Australia's oldest internet-based discussion group, which began as Aussie-weather, archives for which are here. (15/06/06)
  • -- Australian ski forum has an active weather section. (15/06/06)
  • New Zealand weather forum. Discussion of New Zealand weather. (15/06/06)

Publications and magazines

  • Australian Meteorological Magazine. The primary meteorological technical and research magazine for the Australian region, the Australian Meteorological Magazine, is freely available online. AMM was first published in 1952 and is now published quarterly by the Bureau in close collaboration with the Australian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society. (15/06/06)