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Tuesday 13 June 2000

Heavy rain in southwestern WA
Another unusually cold day across the continent
A band of moisture streams southeast ahead of cooler air moving in from the southwest behind a slow-moving cold front. The animation shows the situation at the 850hPa pressure level (about 1.4km above sea level) at 10pm Monday and 10am and 10pm today. Note how the relatively narrow moisture band pauses over the southwest during the first two frames. Fiorino


A band of moisture moving down from the northwest ahead of a frontal system stalled over far southwestern WA today giving the coast south of Perth 50 to 75mm over a 12 to 18 hour period.  Busselton Airport recorded 77mm between 9am and 9pm, with downpours of 20mm in the hour to 3pm and 13.8mm in 18 minutes to 8.08pm.

Maximum temperatures across the nation again failed to reach 30° today for the third day in a row. Today's national top temperature of 28.2 at Oenpelli in the Northern Territory equalled the second lowest national maximum for June set 11 days ago (See news for 2 June for details.)

Today's highest rainfall totals for the 24 hours to 9am

46.2 Margaret River PO WA
45.6 Nobbys Signal Station Newcastle NSW
45.2 Tuan Creek Forestry Maryborough Qld
40.0 Williamtown AP NSW

Today's highest & lowest temps

Other extremes

Bunbury WA: 65mm in 9h to midnight, 16mm falling in 1h to 6pm
Margaret River WA: 31mm in 6h to 3pm
Busselton AP WA: 77mm in 12h to 9pm
Witchcliffe WA: 34mm in 6h to noon
Innisfail Qld: 41mm in 9h to 3pm
Newcastle Nobbys NSW: 17mm in 3h to 6am

Records set this day


Maximum Minimum
28.2 Gumbalunya Oenpelli NT 24.0 Coconut Is Qld
-1.2 Mt Hotham Vic -13.6 Charlotte Pass NSW

Greatest variations from normal

Maximum Minimum
23.2 Mt Barker WA
14.1 Donnybrook WA
24.0 Kowanyama AP Qld
-1.9 Marla SA