This listing is focussed
on sites that provide information on bushfire events, present and
past, as well as on the meteorological aspects of bushfires.
- Latest official bushfire warnings and information are available here:
ACT | NSW | VIC | TAS | SA | WA | NT | QLD. (21/09/18)
- My Fire Watch is an Australia-wide map showing current fires, past burnt areas and recent lightning strikes. It, and its summary of national fire alerts, is not intended to replace the detailed and timely warnings from state authorities, but gives a useful national overview. It is the result of research collaboration between Landgate (the Western Australian Land Information Authority) and Edith Cowan University. (21/09/18)
- Another good resource is NAFI, the North Australia and Rangelands Fire Information website. It provides detailed maps of recent and past fire scars as well as current and recent hot spots in QLD, NT, and most of WA and SA. It has many excellent tools derived from satellite technology. (21/09/18)
- Australasian
Fire Authorities Council -- AFAC is a peak representative
body for fire and emergency services in Australia and New Zealand.
Their site contains strategic and link information rather than
operational information on bushfires. (21/09/18)
- This Wikipedia article gives an introduction to the background, types, warning systems, regional management and other aspects of bushfires in Australia. It has an excellent listing of bushfires in Australia since the great Black Friday fires in 1938-39, with links to other Wikipedia articles on many of those events. A separate article gives more specific detail on bushfires in Victoria, including listings with links of the most extensive and deadly Victorian fires. These go as far back as the catastrophic Black Thursday fires of 1851 which burnt out 50,000 sq km of Victoria, probably the most extensive bushfires in Australian history. (21/09/18)
- Forest Fire Management Victoria has a chronology of Victoria's major bushfires as well as high-scale maps of the more significant ones. Use the top menu to access detailed histories of the most catastrophic fires. (21/09/18)