Thunderstorms, Hail, Lightning
& Tornadoes
- Recent
lightning activity over Australia, from Kattron. This map
shows the locations of recent lightning strikes in Australia.
- The BoM Severe
Storms Page (17/01/00)
- The BoM Western
Australian Severe Storms Page (07/09/02)
- The BoM New
South Wales Severe Storms Page (07/09/02)
- James Chambers' Brisbane
and SE Queensland Storm site - lots of information, photos
and reports on thunderstorms in southeast Queensland. (17/01/00)
- The Brisbane
Storm Chasers Homepage - photos, descriptions, forecasts and
forecasting tools relevant to southeast Queensland. (21/03/01)
- The Sydney
Storm Chasers Homepage - photos and descriptions of NSW severe
storm events. (21/05/00)
- The Melbourne
Storm Chasers Site - Articles on severe weather events in
Victoria (09/08/00)
- Stormfreak --
great lightning photos and storm chase site in Pakenham, Victoria
- Vic
Storms - Nick Sykes site on storms and severe weather in Victoria
and SE Australia (17/03/01)
- The South
Australian Severe Weather site, SA Storms. (01/02/01)
- Adelaide
Xtreme Weather - thunderstorms and snowfalls in SA. (21/03/01)
- Tips
on storm chasing in Australia by Ira Fehlberg and John Roenfeldt.
Storm chasing is fun and exciting, but these are some safety tips
from some of the most experienced storm chasers to get you there,
in the right position, and home again. (24/05/00)
- Ira's
Severe Weather Page concentrating on severe weather in Western
Australia. (17/01/00)
- Michael Thompson's Australian
Storm Chase Diary (25/05/06)
- Matthew Smith's Thunderstruck
-- Australian Storm Chasing, based on Sydney, NSW (17/01/00)
- A useful presentation on Supercells
and case studies prepared by Jimmy Deguara (17/03/01)
- Report on Sydney
Hailstorm - 14 April 1999, Bureau of Meteorology (17/01/00)
- Tornados
in the Australian Capital Territory, some history and pictures
from the BoM and ACT Emergency Services Bureau. (22/07/00)
- Michael Bath's Lightning
Photography Page (17/01/00)
- Michael Fewings Strike
One lightning photography page. (17/01/00)
- Lightning
photograph and videos from www.weather-photography.com,
Holland. (07/05/00)
- An article on severe
thunderstorms in Australia by Paul Graham (17/01/00)
- The NOAA Severe
Storms Spotters Guide. Everything you could want to know about
thunderstorms. Many other comprehensive and easy-to-understand
meteorological tutorials here, too, from the University of Illinois's
excellent WW2010
Online Guides (17/01/00)
- Tornado
and Storm Research Organisation (TORRO). UK based, but a lot
of useful material that has application worldwide. (17/01/00)
- Stormtrak
storm chasing homepage. US based, but also has useful severe
weather information with application worldwide. (17/01/00)
- Websites
dedicated to specific tornado events, worldwide, from NOAA.
Some Australian tornadoes now appearing. (28/12/02)
- Thunderday map
of Australia, BoM (14/04/03)
- Tornadoes
in Western Australia, and a
History of Tornado Events in WA from Ira Fehlberg (13/04/00)
- Sam's enormous list of training
materials and essays on storm chasing and meteorology. Whilst
it is US based, many of the links to web articles on thunderstorms
and tornadoes are relevant to Australia. (25/09/00)