Significant rainfall, strong winds, strong wind gusts and abnormally high and low temperatures for this day are given below. Descriptions
of significant weather events are added here when time permits and reliable information is available. This is sometimes well after the event!
Records set
this day (previous record and years of computerised record shown in brackets):
Highest daily maximum temperature for October
South Australia:
016032 NONNING 40.9 (40.8, 35)
018014 CLEVE 39.0 (37.8, 47)
018040 KIMBA 39.0 (38.9, 37)
023083 EDINBURGH RAAF 39.0 (38.8, 32)
023733 MOUNT BARKER 34.9 (33.2, 47)
024024 LOXTON RESEARCH CENTRE 40.0 (39.8, 20)
024518 MENINGIE 34.4 (33.8, 38)
024521 MURRAY BRIDGE 39.7 (38.6, 38)
025507 KEITH 38.7 (37.1, 42)
026091 COONAWARRA 35.0 (33.3, 19)
New South Wales:
069022 NAROOMA RVCP 36.0 (34.4, 21)
The maximum temperature of 40.2 recorded at
Mildura Airport and Walpeup Research today set a new record high Victorian
October temperature. The
previous record was 40.0 set at Mildura on 30 October 1965.
076031 MILDURA AIRPORT 40.2 (40.0, 58)
076047 OUYEN (POST OFFICE) 40.1 (39.4, 48)
076064 WALPEUP RESEARCH 40.2 (38.6, 37)
078077 WARRACKNABEAL MUSEUM 37.6 (36.8, 31)
079023 HORSHAM (POLKEMMET) 37.8 (36.7, 43)
079028 LONGERENONG 37.6 (36.3, 39)
080023 KERANG 37.8 (37.6, 41)
081123 BENDIGO AIRPORT 34.3 (32.9, 13)
084030 ORBOST (COMPARISON) 34.0 (33.5, 45)
089085 ARARAT PRISON 33.0 (32.7, 35)
090083 WEEAPROINAH 26.8 (26.4, 23)
090135 CASTERTON SHOWGROUNDS 33.9 (33.5, 43)
090173 HAMILTON AIRPORT 31.4 (30.2, 21)